By Samantha Srouji
I started training in Kru Achilles’ class when I was 8 years old. My brother and I were his youngest students at the time. Being in his class benefited me in numerous ways, especially in school. After the self defence he taught me came into play, boys never tried to bother me in elementary school again! Neither did girls in high school after just one event. Thanks to the teachings of Archie, I was set for the rest of my high school years. Kru Achilles played such a huge role in my life and even though we didn’t see each other every day. I always held everything he has taught me and every life skill he has given me very close to my heart. He was not only Kru, he was family. He has always referred to me as his goddaughter, which I loved the most about the special bond we had. He truly was an amazing man, honourable, humble and loving. I will forever miss and love him. May my Godfather Rest In Peace ♥️

This post is a part of a larger collection of pieces written in memory of Kru Achilles Meridis. View the collection here.