Yesterday marked the end of IFMA’s 2015 Royal World Cup, held in Bangkok Thailand. 102 countries, 2000 attendants, and ten days of competition amounted to IFMA’s largest tournament to date, and culminated with the closing ceremonies on August 23rd.
An amazing experience both for the athletes and coaches abroad as well as the family, friends, and fans back home, Team Canada found great success abroad. One silver and four bronze medals were awarded to the team, with three of those medals coming from Ontarian athletes: Matt Mackillop, Jake Mackenzie, and Shaun Baillie. We’re extremely proud of each of the athletes who stepped up to represent our country, as we bit our nails in anticipation of any updates coming across an 11 hour time difference.
For all the great accomplishments, a sadness pervades the tournament this year as an attack occurred in Bangkok at Erawan shrine, claiming the lives of 20 people and injuring 100 more. Many back home first heard about the attack through local news outlets and held their breath waiting on news of everyone’s health. While luckily no one attending the tournament was affected by the attack, it does not lessen the tragedy for those involved.
With the conclusion of the tournament, the list of Ontario IFMA athletes and their placement has been updated. We wish all of our athletes a safe and relaxing trip home, and are excited to have you back training with us.
We are looking forward to the May 2016 IFMA World Championships, hosted in Jönköping Sweden.