Displaying 1 - 15 of 67


Head Coach: Cristian Rojas

Web: http://www.go1mr.com/
Email: info@go1mr.com
Phone: (647) 967-7129

5th Dimension Training Academy

Owner: JJ Filipovic
Head Coach: Kyle Regan

Web: http://www.5thdimensionacademy.com/
Email: info@5thdimensionacademy.com
Phone: (905) 906-4616

705 Striking academy

Owner: Ryan Lem
Head Coach: Ryan Lem

Web: http://705striking.com
Email: 705striking@gmail.com
Phone: (705) 241-4111

9 Spears Muay Thai

Owner: Vincent Peng
Head Coach: Vincent Peng

Web: http://www.9spears.com/
Email: info@9spears.com
Phone: (437) 256-7415

Alliance training academy

Owner: Ruel Copeland
Head Coach: Ruel Copeland

Web: http://alliancetrainingacademy.ca
Email: alliancetrainingacademy@hotmail.com
Phone: (416) 399-5417

Baan Muay Thai

Owner: Saxon Magdangal

Web: https://mississaugabmt.com/
Email: theclubmafa@gmail.com

Battle Arts Academy

Owner: Shinobi Hanzo

Web: http://www.battleartsacademy.ca
Email: info@battleartsacademy.ca
Phone: (416) 893-4476

Black Eagle Martial Arts

Owner: Mark Simon
Head Coach: Mark Simon

Web: https://blackeaglemartialarts.ca/
Email: info@blackeaglemartialarts.ca
Phone: (905) 674-5987

Black Tigers Gym

Owner: Kru Laura Vuculescu

Web: https://www.blacktigersgym.com/
Email: blacktigersgym@yahoo.com
Phone: (416) 751-4400

Bolton House of Muay Thai

Owner: Gianluca Amendola

Web: http://www.boltonhouseofmt.com
Email: boltonhouseofmt@gmail.com
Phone: (905) 857-3373

Boss Thai Boxing & Fitness

Owner: Yuki Yamanaka
Head Coach: Yuki Yamanaka

Web: http://bossthaiboxing.com/
Email: info@bossthaiboxing.com
Phone: (613) 862-2670

Brampton Muay Thai

Owner: Katrina Velasquez
Head Coach: Katrina Velasquez

Web: https://www.bramptonmuaythai.com/
Email: info@queensofbramptonmuaythai.com

Brave Martial Arts Institute

Owner: Rodrigo Alves
Head Coach: Shawna Page

Web: http://www.bravemai.com
Email: info@bravemai.com
Phone: (613) 319-7951

Cardoso Boxing and Muay Thai

Owner: Fernando Cardoso

Web: https://cardosoboxing.com/
Email: info@cardosoboxing.com
Phone: (289) 851-3448

Darkside Muay Thai

Owner: Darryl Marin
Head Coach: Darryl Marin

Web: http://www.darksidemuaythai.ca/
Email: info@darksidemuaythai.ca
Phone: (226) 208-0216

Why is a club not listed?

This directory is a complete list of Ontario based clubs fully registered with MTO in the current year. If you don’t see your club, please complete a Club Membership Application and registration fee payment.