Muay Thai Ontario Continuing Education TrainingMuay Thai as a physical activity has been a part of Thai culture for thousands of years.  As much as it has grown and evolved over time, there is also plenty of information to catch up on.  Our Continuing Education series will aim to create a space in which fundamental information is understood and refined further, and also creating a space in which new information and experiences is shared amongst one another.

As part of our Long Term Athlete Development Programs, we are building a series of curriculum for all registered members:
  • Officials – are tiered into different levels of experience
    • C – Attended 1 training session, Basic Judging/Referee, Shadows with B and A
    • B – Attended 2 training sessions, Judges and referees more experienced competition
    • A – Attended 3 training sessions, able to judge or referee championship bouts and shadows with the Chief Officials
    • C/O – Able to train and coach junior judges and referees. Controls the entire Officials team at a competition and verifies all scorecards before a decision is announced
  • Formal Coaching Courses
    • Level 1 Coach – Compulsory for all Muay Thai Ontario coaches to attend. Introduces you to Muay Thai Ontario, sanctioning your own events and covers critical information that every gym owner should know and more. (Health and safety standards, injury triage, head trauma/knockout assessment and the steps to follow to protect your athlete as well as yourself as an owner).
    • Level 2 Coach – This optional course is designed to help you to be a better coach. From building a real strategy curriculum to the role of the corner between rounds. (Sport psychology and in depth cornering techniques as a sports professional).
    • Level 3 Coach – An optional course for how to travel with your athlete, preparing documentation, cultural awareness, international rules and regulation and educating you on how to represent Canada with our International governing body. (The International Federation of Muay Thai Amateurs, IFMA)
  • Instructor Series
    • Learn language, culture, hands on techniques from top fighters and coaches from around the world
    • Introduce and build teaching strategies, and class drills towards various levels of student participation
      • i) recreational student (beginner, intermediate, advanced),
      • ii) amateur competitive (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
      • iii) Professional fighter
    • Curriculum Design
  • Gym owner – The gym owner carries many responsibilities and can greatly influence the culture and quality of Muay Thai. In this series various gym owners lead guided talks discussing and sharing some of their strategies in which the economic pressures are handled to their advantage, not disadvantage
    • Business leadership
    • Securing credit
    • Club management techniques and development