Thank you for your interest in holding Muaythai Ontario (MTO) competition. Competitions provide opportunities for athletes to pit their skills against an opponent and build their experience.Ā Running a competition is not easy work, and Muaythai Ontario is here to support you in your undertaking. All sanctioning competition follows the requirements set forth by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport’s Sport Recognition Policy.Ā Make sure you read through the requirements and steps below as you plan your next muaythai competition with MTO!
Member Requirements for Hosting Competition
- The Competition Host is registered with Muaythai Ontario for the current calendar year.
- A Competition Host is either a paid Club or Competition Host member* in good standing; and
- The agreement for sanctioning is completed 30 days prior to the competition date.
- Competition Host Memberships are specifically for non-clubs, i.e. individuals unaffiliated with a club or companies, looking to hold muaythai competition.
Current Costs for Hosting a Muaythai Ontario Competitive Event
- Exhibition/Light Contact Competitive Event
- Ā Up to 15 contests / 4 hours in duration: $200 Officials Fee
- Single Contest Competitive Event
- Up to 15 contests / 4 hours in duration: $850 Officials Fee
- Single Contest Competitive Event
- Up to 21 contests / 6 hours in duration: $1,250 Officials Fee
- Multiple Contest Competitive Event: Varies
- Excess travel per official: $0.58/km
- Parking/accommodation per official: Cost
- Food and drink for each official: Cost
- Athlete Competition Equipment Rental (Optional): $150
- Market Price for $2 million Commercial General Liability Insurance: $216 without liquor to $486 with liquor
- Market Price for a Ringside Physician: $400 flat to $100 per hour
Sanctioning Policy and Competitive Event Types
Learn about the requirements in holding competition. Will you be doing an Exhibition/Light Contact Competition? Perhaps a Single Contest Competition? All the details are listed in the Sanctioning Policy.
Request a date for your competition!
Event hosts should complete an Event Date Inquiry form at least 30 days prior to the desired date.
Once Muaythai Ontario confirms there are no date conflicts and that the event can be staffed with enough Officials, the event host will be sent an approval.
An approval means that your date is now considered on hold, but may be challenged by another event host. There is a 2-business day challenge policy. Details in the MTO Sanctioning Policy. Once you receive your approval you should proceed with Step 3: Complete Agreement for Sanctioning form at least 30 days before the event date.
It’s time to book your event!
Received approval for your Event Date Inquiry? Now you can complete the Agreement for Sanctioning Form to confirm the date. You will receive this link in your approval email or use link below.
Until the Agreement for Sanctioning and Officials Fee is received, the date is only considered on hold and may be challenged.Ā MTO has a 48 hour challenge policy.
The Event Host should complete the Agreement for Sanctioning form at least 30 days prior to a desired dateĀ along with payment to secure the event date. Once completed, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport will be notified of your sanctioned event.
The Officials Fee is paid by credit card upon completion of the Agreement for Sanctioning form.
Please note ā The Officials Fee covers the honorarium for each MTO official. Travel expenses in excess of $20 will be the responsibility of the Event Host at the rate of $0.55/km. The travel expense of each official is calculated based on distance and MTO will communicate the amount to be reimbursed, if any, following the conclusion of the event. Parking and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the Event Host.
Once you complete your Agreement for Sanctioning, you will receive a detailed email of steps and tips for a successful competition. Don’t lose this email as it contains a Contest Card Template which you will be using for match-ups.
If you still haven’t reviewed the Sanctioning Policy, or Competition Rulesets, do so now!
Event hosts should be in constant contact with MTO concerning match-ups to avoid last minute changes, andĀ a match-up should be approved by MTO prior to the publishing of any promotional materialĀ regarding a contest. Muaythai OntarioĀ must receive the full competition list at least 14 days prior to the eventĀ and updated on an ongoing basis. The list will be reviewed and the Event Host notified if a participant is missing any MTO documentation (membership/annual medical). It is the responsibility of the Event Host to ensure that all contests are adhering to MTO policies on match making.
Please note ā A club participating in their first MTO event may defer their club membership dues. Should a club decide to participate in subsequent events with MTO they will be required to pay the club membership for the year. If you are uncertain as to a clubās status, please contact MTO. All first-time athletes, corners and coaches will still need to submit their individual memberships.
Deadlines – 3 Important Ones!
1. Submit first version of Contest Card (using MTO template) at least 14 days out from competition date. If you are not sure how to complete this template, check the next tab.
- MTO needs at least 5-7 business days to review the card.
- During this time, the event host and MTO will be in constant contact about match-up issues, or changes.
2. Two business days before competition date.
- Last day to submit card changes
- Last day for clubs, athletes, coaches to submit membership information (application, medicals, background checks)
- Examples of deadline (two business days before competition):
Competition Day Competition Deadline Friday Wednesday Saturday Thursday Sunday Thursday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Wednesday Monday Thursday Tuesday
3. Two business days before competition day
- Submit the competition event Certificate of Insurance (COI)
- Submit your competition event doctor’s name and CPSO#
The Contest Card Template will be sent to you in the confirmation email upon completing the Agreement for Sanctioning Form.
It will be sent in an Excel format. If you cannot open this file, please let MTO know and you will be sent a ‘shared Excel’ which you can open and edit on any internet browser. We do not recommend importing onto Google Sheets because it may break existing formulas on the template that are meant to assist you.
This format is meant to help organize your matches, and give you easy access to necessary info (such as weight classes, experience categories etc). This format also provides MTO with all the necessary information for review. After sending the changes back and forth between MTO and the competition host, a final, clean version of this contest card will be printed for the Officials Team overseeing the competition.
Descriptions of the Columns from left to right starting with the top row:
- “#”–Ā Bout number for the contest card (no need to edit)
- “Sex” – At this time, select eitherĀ Female orĀ Male to determine the bout type
- “Age” – Select Official Age Category for bout (J 8-9, J 10-11, J12-13, J14-15, J 16-17, Elite, Master)
- “Exp” – Short for ‘Experience’. Enter the official class division (C, B, A, O) or Exhibition type (FC Exh, LC Exh)
KG and LBS
- “KG: Max | Min and LBS: Max | Min” – Only enter the Max Kg. Entering a number in the Max Kg column will automatically fill in the other numbers for Min Kg, and Lbs. The Excel file has formulas to automate these numbers.
Red Corner and Blue Corner
- “Name” – Enter the full legal name of the Athlete. If Athlete has a nickname, enter it with their full name in the column. You can also put nickname in the ‘notes’ section. This enables MTO to accurately review athlete. It also helps you, the competition host, to find the athlete on the Athlete Directory. All athletes must be active members of MTO for the calendar year.
- “Amateur Muaythai Record” – Enter full contact amateur muaythai experience only in the style of Win-Loss-Draw, Full Contact Exhibitions (previously known as Demos).
- For example, 1 Win 3 Losses and 1 demo looks like, 1-3-0, 1 Exh
- 3 win no loss, one draw, and 3 exhibitions looks like, 3-0-1, 3 Exh
- Do not enter your Exhibitions/demos as a ‘draw’, as they are not considered the same in MTO competition ruleset
- “Light Contact (LC), Pro, or Other Exp” – Pro Muaythai, Light contact matches, records in other full contact sports, all get entered into this box.
- Only full contact experience is counted when determining an athlete’s class
- Light Contact experience (muaythai, kickboxing etc.) is noted as 3 LC Muaythai, or 5 LC Kickboxing; LC Exh does not count toward an athlete’s class progression
- Pro experience in any full contact sport must be disclosed as MTO must send these matches to the Ontario Athletic Commissioner for review
- “Club” – Enter full name of athlete’s club affiliation. Club must be an active member of MTO for the calendar year